Monday, 11 November 2013

November 11th

As everybody knows, November 11th is a special day to remember those who have fought and are fighting for our country.

For this reason, I decided to base our multi-faceted learning all around Remembrance Day.

We had a very moving assembly this morning from Mrs Longhawn, and following this we went back to class to have a look at the famous poem 'In Flanders Fields' by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae.

Inspired by the poem, we created pictures showing Flanders Field, paying particular attention to making a foreground, middle ground and back ground.  I'm sure you'll agree, the finished products look fantastic.

One group used 'Purple Mash' to create an information poster about Remembrance Day using Internet research to add to their existing knowledge.

The final facet created wonderful pieces of Remembrance poetry, that truly moved Mrs Jarrett and I.

Please leave a comment about what you have learned today!

1 comment:

  1. It was a really interesting session of multi fasated.It was engoyable learning about why you wear poppies.

